Wordless Wednesday~ Chatsworth, Part One~ home of Bess of Hardwick and the Cavendish family
Chatsworth.. same as my header photo which is explained in my profile also
TEASER TUESDAYS is hosted by ShouldBeReading and asks you to:
♠Grab your current read.
♠Let the book fall open to a random page.
♠Share with us two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page.
♠You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your “teaser” from … that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given!
♠Please avoid spoilers!
I am STILL reading the book from last week's teaser.. I warned you it was a big one.. so I picked a teaser from Eric Ives' book The Life and Death of Anne Boleyn, which I really want to read soon.
In the Chapter titled FINALE:
"It stood three of four feet high, draped in black, surrounded by perhaps a thousand spectators: the lord mayor and alderman come to see the king's justice done, and behind then 'certain of the best crafts of London' - no foreigners- Englishmen and women come to see the first English queen executed. And around the scaffold itself the faces she knew so well: Thomas Audley, the lord chancellor, whom she had seen at her last trial; Charles Brandon, duke of Suffolk, whose life had been so entwined with her own, ever since her journey to France as a 13-year-old attendant on the king's sister Mary, who had married Brandon, had hated her and was now dead; Henry Fitzroy her 17-year-old stepson, who had only nine weeks to live; and Thomas Crowmwell, who had climbed to power behind Anne, and now had to destroy her in order to retain that power."
Anne's speech at the scaffold:
"Good Christian people, I am come hither to die, for according to the law, and by the law I am judged to die, and therefore I will speak nothing against it. I am come hither to accuse no man, nor to speak anything of that, whereof I am accused and condemned to die, but I pray God save the king and send him long to reign over you, for a gentler nor a more merciful prince was there never: and to me he was ever a good, a gentle and sovereign lord. And if any person will meddle of my cause, I require them to judge the best. And thus I take my leave of the world and of you all, and I heartily desire you all to pray for me. O Lord have mercy on me, to God I commend my soul....To Jesus Christ I commend my soul; Lord Jesu receive my soul."
Stealing Athena by Karen Essex
"Stealing Athena is the story of two women, separated by centuries but united by their association with some of the world's greatest and most controversial works of art. Aspasia, a philosopher and courtesan to visionary politician Pericles during Athens's Golden Age, defies societal restrictions to become fiercely influential in Athens' power circle. Mary, the Countess of Elgin and a beautiful Scottish heiress, charms the fearsome men of the Ottoman Empire to make possible her husband's costly acquisitions, all the while brazenly defying the social conventions of her time. Both women prevail yet pay a heavy price for their rebellion. A tale of romance, intrigue, greed, and glory, Stealing Athena interweaves the lives of two of history's most beguiling heroines."
The Heretic's Daughter: A Novel by Kathleen Kent "Martha Carrier was one of the first women to be accused, tried and hanged as a witch in Salem, Massachusetts. Like her mother, young Sarah Carrier is bright and willful, openly challenging the small, brutal world in which they live. Often at odds with one another, mother and daughter are forced to stand together against the escalating hysteria of the trials and the superstitious tyranny that led to the torture and imprisonment of more than 200 people accused of witchcraft. This is the story of Martha's courageous defiance and ultimate death, as told by the daughter who survived.Kathleen Kent is a tenth generation descendent of Martha Carrier. She paints a haunting portrait, not just of Puritan New England, but also of one family's deep and abiding love in the face of fear and persecution."
Whew. That was all on Monday.
The rest of the week I received some more absolutely awesome titles (plus roses two days in a row as a surprise from the hubby!):
Elizabeth's Women by Tracy Borman (SQUEEEEE!!) "In this original chronicling of the life of one of England's greatest monarchs, historian Tracy Borman explores Elizabeth's relationships with the key women in her life. Beginning with her mother and the governesses and stepmothers who cared for the young princess, including her beloved Kat Astley and the inspirational Katherine Parr, "Elizabeth's Women" sheds new light on her formative years. Elizabeth's turbulent relationships with her rivals are examined: from her sister, 'Bloody' Mary, to the sisters of Lady Jane Grey, and finally the most deadly of all her rivals, Mary, Queen of Scots who would give birth to the man Elizabeth would finally, inevitably have to recognize as heir to her throne."
Secrets of the Tudor Court: Between Two Queens by Kate Emerson
"Pretty, flirtatious, and ambitious. Nan Bassett hopes that an appointment at the court of King Henry VIII will bring her a grand marriage. But soon after she becomes a maid-of-honor to Queen Jane, the queen dies in childbirth. As the court is plunged into mourning, Nan sets her sights on the greatest match in the land . . . for the king has noticed her. After all, it wouldn’t be the first time Henry has chosen to wed one of his queens’ maids of honor. And in newly Protestant England, where plots to restore the old religion abound, Nan may be the only one who can reassure a suspicious king of her family’s loyalty
But the favor of a king can be dangerous and chancy, not just for Nan, but for her family as well . . . and passionate Nan has a deep secret she must shield from the king and all others, for it could put her future—and her life—in grave jeopardy should anyone discover the truth.
Based on the life of the real Anne Bassett and her family, and drawing extensively from letters and diaries of the time, Between Two Queens is an enthralling picture of the dangers and delights of England’s most passionate era."The Lady in the Tower: The Fall of Anne Boleyn
by Alison Weir
"The imprisonment and execution of Queen Anne Boleyn, Henry VIII's second wife, was unprecedented in the annals of English history. It was sensational in its day, and has exerted endless fascination over the minds of historians, novelists, dramatists, poets, artists, and filmmakers ever since. Mystery surrounds the circumstances leading up to Anne's arrest and imprisonment in May 1536. Was it Henry VIII who, estranged from Anne, instructed Master Secretary Thomas Cromwell to fabricate evidence to get rid of her so that he could marry Jane Seymour? Or did Cromwell, for reasons of his own, construct a case against Anne and her faction, and then present compelling evidence before the King? Following the coronation of her daughter Elizabeth I as queen, Anne was venerated as a martyr and heroine. Over the centuries, she has inspired many artistic and cultural works and has remained ever-present in England's, and the world's, popular memory. Alison Weir draws on her unsurpassed expertise in the Tudor Period to chronicle the downfall and dramatic final days of this influential and fascinating woman."
In a deal from Celticlady's Ramblings:
The Virgin's Daughters: In the Court of Elizabeth I by Jeane Westin "In a court filled with repressed sexual longing, scandal, and intrigue, Lady Katherine Grey is Elizabeth's most faithful servant. When the young queen is smitten by the dashing Robert Dudley, Katherine must choose between duty and desire-as her secret passion for a handsome earl threatens to turn Elizabeth against her. Once the queen becomes a bitter and capricious monarch, another lady-in-waiting, Mistress Mary Rogers, offers the queen comfort. But even Mary cannot remain impervious to the court's sexual tension-and as Elizabeth gives her doomed heart to the mercurial Earl of Essex, Mary is drawn to the queen's rakish godson..."
Brief Gaudy Hour: A Novel of Anne Boleyn reissue 2008 by Margaret Campbell Barnes, original 1968; "The enigmatic Anne Boleyn comes to life in this charming, brilliant portrayal by acclaimed British novelist Margaret Campbell Barnes. The infamous love of King Henry VIII and the mother of Queen Elizabeth I, Anne Boleyn undertook a rocky journey from innocent courtier to powerful Queen of England. A meticulous researcher, Margaret Campbell Barnes immerses readers in this intrigue and in the lush, glittery world of the Tudor Court. The beauty and charms of Anne Boleyn bewitched the most powerful man in the world, King Henry VIII, but her resourcefulness and cleverness were not enough to stop the malice of her enemies. Her swift rise to power quickly became her own undoing. The author brings to light Boleyn's humanity and courage, giving an intimate look at a young woman struggling to find her own way in a world dominated by men and adversaries."
And before the good mailbox finds I went on a mad retail therapy dash during lunch and I bought at the used bookstore:
Happy Sunday to all.. As some of you are aware, one of my favorite bloggers, Arleigh, (historical-fiction & Royal Intrigue) has been affected tremendously by the recent floods in Georgia. I am happy to report that everyone is alive and well, but as she puts it, "her house is not." So sad, I hope that she has Wonder Woman strength to rebuild and recoup. The event has saddened me, and made me think. Not only do I feel so helpless for Arleigh's situation, it makes me thankful for the simple things that I have, for which I have taken for granted.
This week I have been busy selecting winners for the Historical Fiction Bloggers Round Table Event, which was fabulous fun during the BBAW week. If you missed some of the interviews and guest posts, you can see them all here through this label link. The 7 bloggers interviewed each other and each had special posts and giveaways, and a good time was had by all.
I updated my blog to a new address to http://www.theburtonreview.com/, and so I am trying to keep up with the broken widgets etc. that it caused but it's always hard to tell if blogger in general is acting up or if it was the custom domain. It's been a slight pain in the butt. I've attempted to update my gravatar and blog graphic links as well, I'd love for you to grab a new banner and put the logo on your blog. You can do it the old fashioned way by right-clicking and saving the image to your hard drive, or if you know how to add the HTML/Javascript option to your sidebar you can link from my own storage at photobucket by copying the code that is below my button on the left sidebar. I hope you like the Graphic, pretty simple, isn't it?
I even managed to update my favicon. The favicon (when it is working properly, as some browsers do not recognize it) would be the orange B that you see either in an internet tab or the teeny image before the web address in the address toolbar, when viewing a blogger blog. I had my old button there which was kinda cool but now I just put that teeny little swirl there. Also, in IE, when you save a specific site into your bookmarks section, the favicon image shows up next to the website listing in the bookmarks. So delete your current bookmarks for The Burton Review, and add it again so that you get the current http://www.theburtonreview.com/ address and the cute little teeny tiny swirl next to it. The whole favicon thing is the biggest pain in the butt also to do, & please don't ask me to explain it because I am so darn lucky I got it right this time. But I googled favicon and took it from there, and found this site to create the file type.
Have not seen the newest widget on the left sidebar? It is the one underneath the Technorati button. This newest thing is Shared Items From Google Reader, so whenever I am within my Google Reader I click the "share" link for those posts that I enjoy the most or simply want to share. All I do is click that share link, and boom it shows up in that widget on my blog for all to see. If I type a comment when sharing, some of the comment will show as well. Isn't that the neatest thing? See this post here on how to add it to blogger which tells you to go here.
Another change for this past week has been some links to the Amazon Store I created. I started working on this awhile ago by adding text links to certain blog posts, but I now have enough stuff going on there to officially mention it now. How the amazon associates program works is that I will get a small percentage of qualified purchases that are made by you if you purchase it from my store. Most important, check out the different sections where the book titles are broken up into different categories, from Tudor Fiction, Other Historical Fiction, to Jane Austen and Sequels. A preview here of the store:
The actual theme may change as I grow bored with the current one; I am trying to find a color scheme and set-up that I really like still. But the main items are up and running, which is the most important thing, and I will add more items when I get a chance to; so bookmark the Store when you feel the urge to buy your next book. I would greatly appreciate the support.
If I ever get a penny I will let you know (& thank YOU in advance!).
I reviewed Barnes' The Tudor Rose for you last Monday, and I started reading The Wildest Heart by Rosemary Rogers. Not even halfway through with that brick of a book. So there may be a while before my next review posts here, as this one is 748 pages. Then on Wednesday I lamented about Elizabeth's Women by Tracy Borman, I can't find it online in the USA, but I was overjoyed when it appeared in the mail on Thursday! Definitely awesome, so The Maiden's Court and I are going to do a sort of group read with this as my next read in October. I am looking forward to interacting with her about the book, it is chunky non-fiction book that looks full of information. See my Wednesday post for the rest of the information and synopsis.
In fun across-the-pond news, the Pope is meeting with Queen Elizabeth II next year, which is to be a grand event over there.. and I just found out there is a new book coming out in October:
The Queen Mother: The Official Biography by William Shawcross
The official and definitive biography of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother: consort of King George VI, mother of Queen Elizabeth II, grandmother of Prince Charles—and the most beloved British monarch of the twentieth century.Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon—the ninth of the Earl of Strathmore’s ten children—was born on August 4, 1900, and, certainly, no one could have imagined that her long life (she died in 2002) would come to reflect a changing nation over the ourse of an entire century. Now, William Shawcross—given unrestricted access to the Queen Mother’s personal papers, letters, and diaries—gives us a portrait of unprecedented vividness and detail. Here is the girl who helped convalescing soldiers during the First World War . . . the young Duchess of York helping her reluctant husband assume the throne when his brother abdicated . . . the Queen refusing to take refuge from the bombing of London, risking her own life to instill courage and hope in others who were living through the Blitz . . . the dowager Queen—the last Edwardian, the charming survivor of a long-lost era—representing her nation at home and abroad . . . the matriarch of the Royal Family and “the nation’s best-loved grandmother.” A revelatory royal biography that is, as well, a singular history of Britain in the twentieth century.
This one sounds like a potential interesting read.
Although I am moving at a snail's pace as far as reading and reviewing goes, on October 5 and 6, I will have the review and guest post with giveaway for The Other Mr. Darcy by Monica Fairview, as part of a blog tour. (I enjoyed the book!) The tour is starting now, so follow along if you want to win this book:
September 28: Fallen Angel Reviews Guest Blog
September 29: The Review from Here/ScribVibe
September 30: Everything Victorian
October 1: The Good, the Bad, the Unread Guest Blog
October 2: A Bibliophile’s Bookshelf
October 5: Grace’s Book Blog, name change to Books Like Breathing
October 6: The Burton Review
October 7: Austenprose
October 7: Bloody Bad Books
October 8: The Long & Short of It
October 9: Love Romance Passion
Date undetermined, but some time this week: Curious Statistical Anomaly
October 12: Good and Bad Books
October 13: Lib’s Library
October 16: Fresh Fiction
I will soon have another fantastic Mailbox Monday post to share; it took me a long to time to compile it, so stay tuned for that fun on Monday! I am so swamped with books to review I feel so behind. But I can only do so much, and having a family and working full time and doing the blogging thing takes away actual reading time. But I'll read what I can, when I can, and blog about it, when I can..
Also wanted to say thanks for The Super Scribbler award from Robin at Lady Gwyn's Kingdom. I appreciate the mentions from awards! I've seen this one already given out at my favorite blogs and I don't want to inundate them with the same award. I've got End of month and Quarter close out (taxes!) to do this week, plus have to figure out how Cobra works for an ex-employee, so I don't have very much fun coming towards my way this week as far as work goes. And I am hoping the rest of the family and I do not catch the toddler's flu. He is driving me crazy, needless to say. Hope everyone in blogosphere is well and reading a lot!
The lucky Winner of my Robin Maxwell 2 book giveaway that ended Sat. PM was ibeeg of Mom-Musings! It was her Blog posting that got her the winning entry. If she doesn't respond to my email then Tutu is up next. That's the last of my HF Bloggers Round Table giveaways, whew! One last giveaway for the Sourcebooks promo, I'll draw that this week.
It is available from Amazon.ca and Amazon.uk, and still not on Amazon USA which is driving me BONKERS, and here are the Google shopping results. It's like a treasure hunt. I am pretty sure my blogger pal at The Maiden's Court got her hands on a copy though.. I just may have to raid her house..
Hardcover: 352 pages
Publisher: Jonathan Cape Ltd (24 Sep 2009)
ISBN-10: 0224082264
Product Description:
"Elizabeth I was born into a world of women. As a child, she was served by a predominantly female household of servants and governesses, with occasional visits from her mother, Anne Bolyen, and the wives who later took her place. As Queen, Elizabeth was constantly attended by ladies of the bedchamber and maids of honor who clothed her, bathed her and watched her while she ate. Among her family, it was her female relations who had the greatest influence: from her sister Mary, who distrusted and later imprisoned her, to her cousin, Mary, Queen of Scots, who posed a constant and dangerous threat to her crown for almost thirty years. Despite the importance of women in Elizabeth's life, most historians and biographers have focused on her relationships with men. She has been portrayed as a 'man's woman' who loved to flirt with the many ambitious young men who frequented her court. Yet it is the women in her life who provide the most fascinating insight into the character of this remarkable monarch. With them she was jealous, spiteful and cruel, as well as loyal, kind and protective. She showed her frailties and her insecurities, but also her considerable shrewdness and strength. In short, she was more human than the public persona she presented to the rest of the court. It is her relationships with women that hold the key to the private Elizabeth.
In this original chronicling of the life of one of England's greatest monarchs, historian Tracy Borman explores Elizabeth's relationships with the key women in her life. Beginning with her mother and the governesses and stepmothers who cared for the young princess, including her beloved Kat Astley and the inspirational Katherine Parr, "Elizabeth's Women" sheds new light on her formative years. Elizabeth's turbulent relationships with her rivals are examined: from her sister, 'Bloody' Mary, to the sisters of Lady Jane Grey, and finally the most deadly of all her rivals, Mary, Queen of Scots who would give birth to the man Elizabeth would finally, inevitably have to recognize as heir to her throne. It is a chronicle of the servants, friends and 'flouting wenches' who brought out the best - and the worst - of Elizabeth's carefully cultivated image as Gloriana, the Virgin Queen, in the glittering world of her court."
Some of my favorite Elizabethan women include Lettice Knollys, Jane Grey, Bess of Hardwick and Bess' granddaughter, Arbella Stuart. I am always anxious to learn more about them and Elizabeth's interaction with the ladies of her time!
See Tracy Borman's site for upcoming events etc. She is also the author of Henrietta Howard: King’s Mistress, Queen’s Servant.
TEASER TUESDAYS is hosted by ShouldBeReading and asks you to:
♠Grab your current read.
♠Let the book fall open to a random page.
♠Share with us two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page.
♠You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your “teaser” from … that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given!
♠Please avoid spoilers!
Yes this posted early and I tried to delete it, and reschedule it but it looks like Blogger is having issues again. SIGH.
OK I know you are like what is this thing you are reading Marie (a historical romance).. Guess what? 44 pages in I know I am going to like it. There's a reason it was on the bestseller list in the 70's and just in case several generations of wild hearts missed out, Sourcebooks is reissuing this 748 page chunky book for all to enjoy. At $7.99 you can't go wrong.
The Wildest Heart by Rosemary Rogers
Brief Synopsis: "Heroine Rowena Dangerfield is sensual, headstrong, and scandalously independent, the granddaughter of the governor of an Indian province under the British empire. After his death, she travels to England and then to New Mexico, where she arrives in grand style to lay claim to her inheritance."
The OLD version: The new version:
So on page 44, right where my bookmark is that made me chuckle at lunch time:
"I found myself wondering where the servants were- hiding in door ways and broom closets no doubt, the better to enjoy such a juicy little scene! I wanted to flee from that ugly, sneering voice, but I would not let myself; I was a Dangerfield, and the likes of Tom Wilkinson with his loud, vulgar voice, were beneath my attention."
"The Tudor Rose: A Novel of Elizabeth of York" by Margaret Campbell Barnes
This Reissue by Sourcebooks October 2009
Original Publication 1953
The Burton Review Rating:
"One woman holds the key to England's most glorious empire in this intimate retelling of the launch of the Tudor dynasty.
A magnificent portrait of Elizabeth of York, set against the dramatic background of fifteenth century England. Elizabeth, the only living descendant of Edward IV, has the most valuable possession in all of England—a legitimate claim to the crown. Two princes battle to win Britain's most rightful heiress for a bride and her kingdom for his own. On one side is her uncle Richard, the last Plantagenet King, whom she fears is the murderer of her two brothers, the would-be kings. On the other side is Henry Tudor, the exiled knight. Can he save her from a horrifying marriage to a cut-throat soldier?
Thrust into the intrigue and drama of the War of the Roses, Elizabeth has a country within her grasp—if she can find the strength to unite a kingdom torn apart by a thirst for power. A richly drawn tale of the woman who launched one of the most dramatic dynasties England has ever seen, The Tudor Rose is a vibrant, imaginative look at the power of a queen."
Elizabeth of York is the eldest daughter of Queen Elizabeth Woodville and King Edward IV who seems to be of a strong character based on all accounts of her life. She was ultimately used as a pawn in the ongoing political struggles caused by the Wars of The Roses but was instrumental in uniting the two different parties of the wars. Elizabeth's younger brothers Edward and Richard were the infamous Princes in the Tower who disappeared at some point in 1483, which the novel paints a depressing but realistic picture of what is probable to have happened. Her uncle Richard, who had made himself King of England after conveniently declaring Elizabeth's parents' marriage invalid, is portrayed as a sinister man in this novel. He even goes so far as to entertain the idea of marrying Elizabeth himself, but luckily for her the Londoners have too much respect for their daughter of York and force him to deny the prospect.
Elizabeth, usually called Bess in the novel, is seen as a sacrificial lamb for the sake of England as she sets her hopes on Henry Tudor. Her motto as queen was Humble and Reverent, and she seems to be so in every sense of the phrase. We slowly go through the events that lead up to the decision that Elizabeth is forced to make between her Plantagenet relations or for the future hope for England. After England's years of the Wars of the Roses, Henry Tudor ends the Wars with his defeat of Richard at the Battle of Bosworth. Eventually, Elizabeth and Henry are married which united the red rose of the Lancastrians with the white rose of the Yorkists, forming the red and white Tudor rose.
Henry Tudor was a change to the Yorkist upbringing that Elizabeth was used to, and the novel meanders through Elizabeth's thoughts as she is finally made Queen of England. We are made to wonder why Henry took years to crown Elizabeth, it was only after she gives birth to the Tudor heir that it is done for her. Even though Henry was always a frugal man and did very little to support the pageantry known to previous Kings and Queens, he does offer a grand coronation for Elizabeth which is one of the few nice things he seems to do for her.
We see more than a glimpse of Henry's politics and his coldness towards Elizabeth. The novel seems consumed by it. There is also always the back story of the lost princes and the possibilities of their demise. The pretenders or impostors are also featured here and show us how Elizabeth was affected by the loss of her little brothers, in particular young Dickon, which made Elizabeth's character a bit more real. On the other hand, Elizabeth's mother is portrayed as having no scruples as to the whereabouts of her boys, she has no hope for their survival and is portrayed as a cold woman without much to live for. I would have preferred a bit more insight into the old Queen's character, but she was not the main character. Instead we see everything through her daughter Elizabeth's eyes, as we see her through her younger days, then through her child birthing and we are privy to her many thoughts regarding the passionless husband of hers.
Contrary to popular (factual?) belief there is a loving relationship between Margaret Beaufort, Henry's mother, and Elizabeth portrayed throughout. Although fitting neatly with the novel, this bothered me since I have always heard of the way Margaret went out of her way to make Elizabeth uncomfortable. I look forward to some upcoming works regarding Margaret Beaufort so that I can determine the validity of the claims of Beaufort's harshness.
The novel continues its story to the upbringing of the four surviving Tudor children, to the death of the firstborn Arthur Tudor in 1502 who was betrothed to Catherine of Aragon. The span of about twenty years is covered in this novel, and in the last half of the book is mostly comprised of Elizabeth's reactions to Henry's political decisions. It is not a fast paced and thrilling read, but still holds the reader captive for its substantial subject matter. Elizabeth of York, a proud Plantagenet, along with her Tudor husband, helped to bring England to a time of prosperity that was not known for a very long time. Their children included Margaret, who became Queen of Scotland, and the infamous Henry VIII who had six wives, and Mary who was briefly Queen of France. Elizabeth and her younger son Henry had a loving relationship, and with its portrayal in the novel it was one of the most enjoyable aspects of the book as he was one of the few that showed love to Elizabeth. The major events and intrigue that occurred around Elizabeth of York make this a worthwhile read for those interested in the formation of the Tudor dynasty and although it seemed slow going at times I still recommend this to those interested in Elizabeth's point of view.
Edited to add on October 2:
(Thank you Sourcebooks!) Sourcebooks is providing a Giveaway for this book to one lucky reader in the USA & Canada, no P.O. Boxes.
To enter:
Comment with your Email Address and Follow this Blog.
+1 entry for Twitter (@BurtonReview) or Facebook share
+2 Entries for Blog Sidebar Graphic Link to this post.
Giveaway Ends Friday, 10/16 Midnight EST. Good Luck!