Final BBAW day means time to show off! Tell us and this is really important, in 50 words or less what you love best about your blog! And then in 50 words or less where you want your blog to be by the next BBAW! Ready? GO!
What I love best about my blog ... easy: my Commenters. YOU!
This week, what I love best about my blog are my commenters AND The Historical Fiction Bloggers Round Table. Because I love Historical Fiction Blogs. If you haven't guessed that judging from the posts.. {times up!}
Where I want to be blog-wise by next BBAW:
I would like to be at a point where I have finished reviewing books that I have piled up for too long... I want to be able to participate in Group reads on Goodreads and challenges like the Plaidy Challenge, for HF books that I have a passion for already. {times up!}