{Sadly, burtonreview without THE has been taken by some fake site}
I wanted to register theburtonreview.com ever since I found out someone has a burtonreview dot com address.... so at least whoever registered the other one can't have theburtonreview.com since that is officially mine.
So how did I do that, you ask?
I went to the Blogger Dashboard.
I then went to settings.
Clicked on Publishing.
Clicked on "Switch to Custom Domain"
Enter the Domain Name
Click Check Availability (via godaddy.com)
Then it goes thru any normal Checkout process.
All done.
The upside is this way $10 a year and this is easy as those simple steps.
There are ways to host and FTP your own domain etc and have it be cheaper, and with email addresses and a lot more technical functions that I just don't need for this blog, at this time anyhoo.
For those of you that would like to have a graphic link to my blog, see my right sidebar and there is a code for you to copy there. Even though that particular graphic button has the blogspot address on it, I will eventually update that button. But if you still take that link shown, whenever I update that button it will automatically change on your blog when I create a new one. So go ahead and copy that code, and when I get to the designing of the new button you'll see it magically change someday.
And remember, theburtonreview.com is the place to be. And if you update your bookmarks, you can use the www before it or not. Your preference, either way will work. Happy trails!!
Let's hope all this works.
I had a little issue getting this post to post, with the Bhxy-090 error.
Then I go back and pasted my post in again, (*Lucky me I copied before I posted), and then it said:
Your blog is in transition
Your blog's new address is http://www.theburtonreview.com/. Since it takes time for this new address to be available all over the Internet, you can still get to it at http://burtonreview.blogspot.com/.
Your new address should work for everyone after at most 3 days. At that time we will redirect your readers from your old address to the new one.
And my followers gadget doesn't work properly at all, let's hope that fixes itself. Probably won't .. waaah.. So it may be a possibility I'll lose 244 followers, which will be really sad for everyone so hurry up and update your bookmarks so you don't lose me. Try and add me to your reader this way: