"Sophia Electress of Hanover: The Remarkable Life of the Mother of George I" by Josephine Duggan (Author)

Paperback: 300 pages
Publisher: Peter Owen Ltd; first edition (1 Nov 2009)
ISBN-13: 978-0720613421
Product Description:
Sophia, Electress of Hanover (1630 ~1714), grand-daughter of James I and mother of George I, is best remembered as the link between the Houses of Stuart and Hanover. But, above all, she was a gifted and prolific chronicler and her detailed memoirs and letters give us an insider's view of life for the top echelons of society in the 16th century. A true European, Sophia spoke English, French, German, Dutch and Italian fluently, she was open minded and intellectually curious. Her writings cover an astonishing variety of subjects: religion, philosophy, international gossip, household hints, politics and the details of her family life. Josephine Duggan has translated Sophia's memoir and thousands of letters to paint a remarkable portrait of a woman who deserves to be known by modern-day Europeans.
I have zero knowledge on this lady and I would love to see a glimpse of the actual memoirs of Sophia!