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Aug 13, 2009

Booking Through Thursday ~ Recent Worst

Booking Through Thursday is hosted by Deb
Deb says: What’s the worst book you’ve read recently?(I figure it’s easier than asking your all-time worst, because, well, it’s recent!)

First thing that comes to mind is The Wish Maker by Ali Sethi.
Although it had alot of promise for a debut novel, it was just a bit crude and did not have a beginning, middle, end.. I had to give up after 300 pages. 'Review' here. And it's always nice to know when you are not alone in your opinions as there were several others who felt the same way.

The Three Part Publishing series is complete on the blog, in case you wanted to share your thoughts regarding communication and promotion between bloggers and authors, please go do so!
And since it looks like internet issues are fixed, I am going to go add that picture to my Waiting on Wednesday post from yesterday!!