Sponsored by "Breaking the Spine". This week's pre-publication "can't-wait-to-read" selection is:
Moving earlier in the timeline then my previous Waiting on Wednesday posts, is a book regarding the Wars of The Roses. While this may not be a light, fun quick read this may be quite interesting for those interested in another point of view of how and why the actual battles transpired; for which we know the ending of the Wars of the Roses signified the beginning of the Tudor rule.
There is always a bit of research to do online to uncover a mystery about an upcoming book. Many of my other wonderful blogger pals have beat me to the punch and have announced upcoming releases, so I wanted to find something a little more allusive. I found a book to be released in November of 2009 regarding The Wars of the Roses. I went to the author's website and found he has written many books on epic battles. That would mean he is pretty well versed in the field, and so without further ado:
The title I am waiting on is:
The Red Rose and the White: The Wars of the Roses, 1453-1487 (Hardcover)by John Sadler
Hardcover: 304 pages
Publisher: Longman; 1 edition (November 15, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1405823607
I went to the Author's website and see this listed, so I am assuming this is the U.K. title:
Lancaster and York 1453 – 1487 – Longmans [2009]
Amazon's Product Description:
"The first comprehensive single volume history of the Wars of the Roses since 1981.
One of the most famous conflicts in British history.
Massive popular general readership interest in this area.
Virtually all other books in print focus on specific aspects, individuals or single battles and campaigns.
If Richard III, the last Plantagenet King of England had not launched his precipitate charge against Henry Tudor from the vantage of Ambion Hill on Bosworth Field, how different might the history of England been?
The Wars of the Roses were a series of mini-wars, fought over 30 years between two branches of the Plantagenet royal family, and eventually won by the Tudors. The Red Rose and the White offers a complete, single volume history of the entire dynastic struggle covering all aspects, the social, economic, religious, political and military.
John Sadler is the author of Border Fury: England and Scotland at War, 1296-1603 (Longman, 2006) and Scottish Battles (2003). He has for some several years been employed as a lecturer on medieval and military history at the Continuing Education Centre of Newcastle and Sunderland Universities."
Chapter 1: The House of Lancaster
Chapter 2: Isle of Albion Chapter
Chapter 3: Clash of Arms
Chapter 4: The Unquiet Peace
There is always a bit of research to do online to uncover a mystery about an upcoming book. Many of my other wonderful blogger pals have beat me to the punch and have announced upcoming releases, so I wanted to find something a little more allusive. I found a book to be released in November of 2009 regarding The Wars of the Roses. I went to the author's website and found he has written many books on epic battles. That would mean he is pretty well versed in the field, and so without further ado:
The title I am waiting on is:
The Red Rose and the White: The Wars of the Roses, 1453-1487 (Hardcover)by John Sadler
Hardcover: 304 pages
Publisher: Longman; 1 edition (November 15, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1405823607
I went to the Author's website and see this listed, so I am assuming this is the U.K. title:
Lancaster and York 1453 – 1487 – Longmans [2009]
Amazon's Product Description:
"The first comprehensive single volume history of the Wars of the Roses since 1981.
One of the most famous conflicts in British history.
Massive popular general readership interest in this area.
Virtually all other books in print focus on specific aspects, individuals or single battles and campaigns.
If Richard III, the last Plantagenet King of England had not launched his precipitate charge against Henry Tudor from the vantage of Ambion Hill on Bosworth Field, how different might the history of England been?
The Wars of the Roses were a series of mini-wars, fought over 30 years between two branches of the Plantagenet royal family, and eventually won by the Tudors. The Red Rose and the White offers a complete, single volume history of the entire dynastic struggle covering all aspects, the social, economic, religious, political and military.
John Sadler is the author of Border Fury: England and Scotland at War, 1296-1603 (Longman, 2006) and Scottish Battles (2003). He has for some several years been employed as a lecturer on medieval and military history at the Continuing Education Centre of Newcastle and Sunderland Universities."
Chapter 1: The House of Lancaster
Chapter 2: Isle of Albion Chapter
Chapter 3: Clash of Arms
Chapter 4: The Unquiet Peace
Chapter 5: First Blood
Chapter 6: Blore Heath
Chapter 7: Northampton
Chapter 8: Wakefield
Chapter 9: The Parhelion
Chapter 10: Palm Sunday Field
Chapter 11: Hexham
Chapter 12: Edgecote
Chapter 13: Barnet
Chapter 14: Tewkesbury
Chapter 15: False, Perjured Clarence
Chapter 16: The White Boar
Chapter 17: Hand Upon his Dagger
Chapter 18: Bosworth
Chapter 19: Stoke
Chapter 6: Blore Heath
Chapter 7: Northampton
Chapter 8: Wakefield
Chapter 9: The Parhelion
Chapter 10: Palm Sunday Field
Chapter 11: Hexham
Chapter 12: Edgecote
Chapter 13: Barnet
Chapter 14: Tewkesbury
Chapter 15: False, Perjured Clarence
Chapter 16: The White Boar
Chapter 17: Hand Upon his Dagger
Chapter 18: Bosworth
Chapter 19: Stoke
Chapter 20: Red Rose and White
At 304 pages, this should not entirely read like a drawn out history book, but I'm willing to give it a try as I always love an intelligent look at The Wars of The Roses. (If it was closer to 400 pages I might balk a bit). And of course I am interested in any light he may shed on the Princes in The Tower mystery, which may never be solved.
What are your favorite Wars of The Roses books, non-fiction or fiction?