I did a quick contest for The Girl who Stopped Swimming, where for 1 week how many new followers could I get? I was bored, I know.. but I started with 90 last Saturday and ended with 125 the next Saturday. Interesting stuff. Thanks for all of your support, who doesn't love free books?! The winners for the 5 copies of The Girl Who Stopped Swimming by Joshilyn Jackson are:

Diane LaRue
Marie Lay
The 3 winners of Follow Me by Joanna Scott are:
MJ Coward
Diane LaRue
Congratulations to everyone, Please send me your Snail Mail address!
I finished The Mating Rituals of the North American WASP this week, and will post that review and offer a giveaway for that during the blog tour on May 27th. There are a lot of bloggers on the tour for this one so it should be an interesting tour with different opinions of the novel.
There have been very aggravating Technical Blogger Issues, causing IE to randomly popup with the hated Operation Aborted window, which shuts down the whole site. !! My question is there another free blog host that imports your site? I don't mind setting up a new blog as far as layout and sidebar etc, but to get the posts and links moved over are going to be an issue. Any ideas? Blogger on Twitter says to remove the Followers gadget, so I've done that albeit reluctantly. I have heard there are still issues even with the gadget removed. So if this blog is shutting down on you, somehow let me know.. oye vey.
This week also commemorated the anniversary of Anne Boleyn's execution. Some sites I visited are :The Anne Boleyn Files and I had some fun reading the ghost stories over at Unexplained Mysteries which talks about the ghosts of some of the Tudors at Hampton Court; and The Raucous Royals.
I have just begun to read Jean Plaidy's "Indiscretions of the Queen" which is a fictional account of the life Caroline of Brunswick and her farce of a marriage to the Prince of Wales, George IV (circa 1795). You may recall the name Maria Fitzherbert as the beloved mistress of the flamboyant George IV, so poor George was not even about to open his heart to anyone else besides the beloved ex-mistress and his newest conniving mistress Lady Jersey. Pretty much from the first look upon Caroline, George was disgusted.
Caroline the German was not as up to par on sanitary and hygienic conditions as the English were, she probably smelled a little pungent as she did not like to bathe. They had the one child, Charlotte and that is all. I have to read the rest of the story to see how the uncouth Caroline handles the fact that her husband's mistress was assigned as a Lady of the Bedchamber to Caroline and see what other social atrocities Caroline commits. The cover of the book I am reading does not quite accurately depict the story, I do not know who the pretty woman on the cover is supposed to be; Caroline is pictured here and not exactly a buxom beauty.
Enjoy your weekend folks, and let's hope the Blogger issues get solved soon (are you even able to read this?), so I can comment on everyone else's blogs again.