Your final summary post should ideally include the number of hours spent on the challenge, what you accomplished, the mini-challenges you participated in, number of comments you left while bloggiesting, what you enjoyed most about the challenge and what you’d like to see included in the next Bloggiesta. Yes! We will do it again!
My original Bloggiesta Post is Here where I updated/edited as I went along throughout the day. And I spent ALL DAY Saturday on the computer, minus the simple children interruptions used as a break from the laptop. And then when I wasn't on the laptop and I was outside 'with' the kids, I was on the iPhone doing the google reader and twittering #bloggiesta.
So what did I manage to do? Since everything is a work in progress with me, I didn't create a checklist out loud. I had the simple things to do and then I played follow the leader and participated in some of the mini-challenges that had us improve our blog in a specific way.
The Simple Stuff I completed:
Created and scheduled upcoming Blog Posts including 2 Reviews.
Created an EMAIL ME Button

Created an ALL REVIEWS Button to link to all my Reviews listed in one place

Updated my Profile verbage slightly
Unsuccesfully tried to complete Technorati signup, but it's their fault not mine: they stink.
Analyzed my Google analytics dashboard just for fun. My Booking Through Thursday post was a hopping post, what fun!
Fixed and sharpened my Header Picture of Chatsworth
Cleaned up my Sidebar
Made a new MailboxMonday Pic to further brand my graphics. Not too sure if I like it but it'll work for now.
Part of the MiniChallenges hosted at other blogs included:
My personal Favorite: Created and

Added my blog to Directories for A MiniChallenge at Chronicles of an Infant Bibliophile
For the Challenge at Bookish Ruth I did the website grader at and increased my grade for 79 to 82 by adding META tags and keywords. Here's the easy way for Blogger.
For The Challenge at EmilysReading Room I added the term BurtonReview to create a total of 11 Google Alerts for me. Which resulted in me finding this, a ripped off post.
Devourer of Books had a mini challenge called you talking about me? about updating outdated things. Which I did with the stuff I did above.
MyFriendAmy has a challenge for a Blogging Buddy. Which I did not participate in. ;-D I was a loner in HS and I still am not someone who will go and ask someone to be my friend.
EDIT I humbly accept Sheri's offer to be my friend :) and blogging buddy, Thanks Sheri! She has an awesome blog at A Novel Menagerie by the way.
Also did not participate officially in the Fizzy Thoughts challenge about commenting because I did not see it till now. But I did comment all day long.
I also Twittered #bloggiesta all day long, I commented on the above challenges, I commented on other Bloggiesta Participants Posts and non-participants too, probably at least 10 times, in doing so I was also contacted by an author to review his book. Some people did comment back to me in Twitterland that I otherwise would not have 'met' without using the #bloggiesta hashtag, so the meeting new people part was fun. I do wish there was a little more feedback in general for me but Natasha was very supportive, she must have been on the computer for hours also. Now I see where there were more Challenges I could have participated in which I wish I had, but I didn't see them until today. So another suggestion would be to get a main page set up at one direct spot that everyone points to that shows where EVERY challenge is and WHAT it really was about, not just a vague blurb.
comments left by me elsewhere = 10 +
Hours spent for #Bloggiesta = 15
OKay that's about all I can think of, I feel like I did a lot more! That technorati thing peeves me still though.
Any other comments/compliments ar appreciated, ideas etc. I am open to.