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Jul 3, 2009

Friday Fill-In - A Royal Consort

Friday Fill-In's is Hosted by Janet we go!

A Little Royal Trivia:

1. When I heard my sister would be Queen I was happy to be rid of the fat guy from my bed.
2. Home in the countryside with my children away from the murderous courts is my best medicine.
3. It's late, but I wish I had tried to save my sister's life.
4. In spite of my family's wishes, Stafford has been my true love always.
5. My eyes have seen too much with my brother and sister's executions in 1536.
6. My granddaughter aggravated my niece most strongly.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to seeing my daughter at the court of Queen Anne of Cleves, tomorrow my plans include walking in the gardens with Henry and Catherine and Sunday, I want to to look forward to the day when my niece would rule!

Who is the narrator here?