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Dec 7, 2009

Teaser Tuesday~ The Lady in The Tower: The Fall of Anne Boleyn by Alison Weir

TEASER TUESDAYS is hosted by ShouldBeReading and asks you to:
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By Alison Weir The Lady in The Tower: The Fall of Anne Boleyn by Alison Weir:
"The records relating to the legal process against Anne Boleyn and Lord Rochford were long thought to have been suppressed in their entirety, but in fact the Henrician government took unwonted care to preserve some of the official documentations of these proceedings. Nevertheless, crucial papers are missing: actual trial records, details of the evidence produced in court, statements known to have been made by Smeaton and Norris, depositions of all the witnesses who had supposedly been questioned, and manuscripts of the interrogations of Smeaton, Norris and the Queen." ~page 219