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Dec 30, 2009


It's my One year Blog(o)(i)versary!!! The powers that be will have to get that word into the dictionary soon so I can figure out how to spell it.

You can stop laughing any time.

Lots of amazing friends I've found, and SOO MANY AMAZING BOOKS I've found.. thanks to the wonderfulness of my follow rocking book bloggers.. so my bookshelves are now crammed and multipying at a pace I *almost* can't keep up with (bats eyelashes at hubby requesting another bookcase!)..

I wanted to say thank you to my followers, and my fabulous commenters, and the wonderful group of ladies that I've bonded with. Thank you for your support, your inspiration with your own blogs, and I look forward to 2010 with hopes for more fantastic reading!

Did that sound like an awards ceremony speech? (*bows*)
And isn't it WILD that one of my bestest biggest Fan, Ms. Lucy's Blog/i/o/versary was yesterday?! That is so wild about great minds and all that :) and JennyGirl's was this month's also! SO cool to be in good company! And check out this fantastic tag that Clare made me, from The Literary Omnivore:
From Clare!
Thank you so much to The Literary Omnivore, you are one of those gals that ROCK!


I have an ARC of Kathryne Kennedy's My Unfair Lady (see my review) to giveaway, along with my ARC of Treasures of Venice by Loucinda McGary (see my review) to give away to ONE of my lucky CURRENT FOLLOWERS IN THE USA =) I will also throw in some bookmarks.

So, if you are one of those 300/301/302 (Google gadget fluctuates from page to page) who have already supported me this year and would like these gently used ARC's, then just comment here letting me know that you do, and leave your email address also so I can contact the winner.

I'll end this one sometime around January 15, 2010.

SMOOCHES to all my Followers and Bloggy Buddies!!!!!

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