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Oct 19, 2012

Please don't hurt me

this is a test..

Just a test, and I hate populating my blog with silly posts that serve no meaning..

so here's a fun picture to share:

Sweetie 'helps' me read Penman's Here Be Dragons
 Just in case you were wondering, I'm testing my new MailChimp email service (oh my goodness new gray hairs from this thing) as I switch from FeedBurner which I later found out was unneccessary but since I like to do things the hard way here we are. Crossing fingers. If this doesn't work I will officially go ape sh*t (chimp style). But if it does work, I'll clap heartily, but still yell at Google Feedburner for scaring us all for nothing. Geez.

If you are seeing this in your mailbox, do the happy dance with me. I'd also love it if you would click on over and tell me that yes, indeed, the chimps did work and my job here is done.

And if you are here visiting the blog, subscribe to my new mailchimp email service.. maybe.. (do I sound ultra super positive about this?) Link is in left sidebar =)

(And during this transition my current email subscribers missed my last review, boo..)

Ya know, I really didn't need to have all this drama.. cuz I am dealing with a fun IRS AUDIT HULLO

Binders full of women!!! Just kidding...
Audit Prep.
 The beginning.
 (& the end of my sanity).