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Oct 28, 2012

It's Mailbox Monday! What Are You Reading?

What are you Reading?

This meme is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey where we keep track of what we are currently reading and plan to read.

Mailbox Monday is a meme originally from Marcia's Mailbox and can be found here for October.

In the Mail....
Awww, nothing new, just a repeat review book (I smell a giveaway! see below)..I did order some books so I'll be sharing those with you soon!

What I've Read and Am Reading:
Not a whole lot different to report from last week, as I've joined a new church and bible study group so I've been reading the bible as opposed to novels at times. I'm helping with the Church School for my youngster as well, so I'll have less free time but it's for a very good cause.

I read and reviewed Here Be Dragons... a book that was on my shelf for almost four years, so it was nice to get out from the Review Pile of Guilt and read something from my personal library. My review is here.. and now I am looking forward to the rest of her series!! (Note to self: No more read alongs, since no one can keep up with me!) wink wink...

The next book I picked up to read is To Whisper Her Name by Tamera Alexander, a new release which featured the Belle Meade Plantation, the origin of the famous Belmont racehorses.. I've read her last one, A Lasting Impression (loved it!) and this is turning out just as good. Handsome wannabe horse whisperer and a disgraced widower meet at the Belle Meade Plantation..will sparks fly? I absolutely love this cover, plus it's a nice chunky book too at around 475 pages. It's out now, so you can purchase yours at Amazon today. My mother is a horse owner, so I think she will enjoy this one too! I now have all of Tamera Alexander's novels, I can't wait to read her earlier releases as well.

I wanted to give a shout out to Michelle of The True Book Addict (and owner of a gazillion other blogs!) who helped me tremendously as I transitioned from Feedburner to MailChimp for the Email Subscription services. Thank you Michelle!!! It's all in working order now, so now I can confidently invite you to subscribe to Email updates... the link is in the left sidebar. And here is your fair warning.. I'll be doing Email Subscriber Exclusive giveaways very soon.. so if you are not an Email Subscriber, you will miss out on those book giveaways!

 Here's a hint of one of them:

And then when I get some books back from mother I'll be doing a bundle giveaway again and that will be open exclusively to current email subscribers as well.
Happy Halloween week!