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Feb 18, 2009

Sneaking in..

I read this awesome little snippet of news from the Seattle Times:
"BELLEVUE, Wash. – A man in Washington state made sure a pair of burglars didn't get away with his three flat-screen televisions — he moved their getaway car.Patrick Rosario was in the basement of his Bellevue home on Tuesday when he heard the burglars upstairs.The Seattle Times says the 32-year-old Rosario, who had been laid off from his job as a Washington Mutual manager, called 911 while he sneaked out of the house.He saw a white van sitting in front of his house with the motor running and the keys in the ignition, and he got in and drove it to a friend's house.Police say the burglars left the televisions, a laptop computer and a jewelry box by the door and took off on foot.The sheriff's office said no arrests had been made. "

WOW I love it when the good guys win. But something stuck out. The phrase "while he sneaked out of the house". I really would have thought it was snuck. He snuck out of the house. That sounded right. So I googled sneaked vs. snuck and found another great little snippet that someone more intelligent has already delved into this conundrum.
His article is Here and don't forget your thinking cap. Did we ever do past present and future participles in school in New York? Because if we did I wasn't paying attention.

Long story short, I guess I'll have to strike snuck from my vocabulary and insert sneaked. Yuck.

I am off to find out hanged vs. hung. I am guessing it is hanged because all of my British Historical books are speaking of the hanged people, which again grates on my nerves. But I am sure I am to be corrected that it is indeed hanged. So how come I have hung in my vocabulary too? Was New York schooling so backwards? I wonder what my Texas daughter will be taught. I am going to quiz her tonight and see what her instincts are.