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Jan 24, 2010

French OhLaLa Challenge & Jean Plaidy 2010 Challenge

The French Historical Challenge will run from January 1st to December 15th 2010.

This challenge is hosted by the fantabulous Lucy at Enchanted by Josephine.
All you have to do is read any Historical Fiction or Non-fiction books based on French history or French historical figures. Books can also overlap with other Challenges. (*Thank goodness!)

Reading Levels:

La Princesse: Read 3 books
La Dauphine: Read 6 books
La Reine: Read 9 books
L’Impératrice: More than 9 books
I'll probably go for the La Dauphine level =)
The other challenge I am joining is the Jean Plaidy 2010 Reading Challenge hosted by Royal Intrigue.

Challenge will begin January 15, 2010 and end on Dec. 15, 2010.
Ms. Carr: read 6 Books
Ms. Holt: read 8 Books
Grand Plaidy Lady: Over 12 books
I have my Plaidy List of books here where I own a great many Plaidy books, but sadly, I have not read very many of them. Such is the sad state of my life where I review new books and I cannot get cought up with old ones. But I will attempt to read one Plaidy/Carr/Holt book a month.. but I probably will be more like 8 books for the year so that's what my goal is: Ms. Holt level.
There are already many of my fellow Historical fiction book lovers who are signed up, so I hope to see you around the challenges!
I already posted about the Historical Fiction Reading Challenge 2010, over at Royal Reviews.
And that's it! I can't keep up! I've already given up on the Four Month Challenge part 2.
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